The Green Monster 50k
My 3rd year into running long trail races, I have grown accustomed to always having something at least a couple of months away to get ready for. By now it has come to the point where I can just sign up for something a few weeks away and not worry at all about finishing. This opens up a lot of really cool and obscure races, especially ones on trail with difficult profiles.
I set yet again a goal to have a great finishing time in August 2014 at the always beautiful Leadville 100, I've finished 2 out of 3 attempts but both have been within 2 hours of the cutoff (28:08, 29:09 in 2013). Last year I developed plantar fasciitis in the left heel, an annoying overuse injury resulting from doing 4 races up to 100 miles in the 2 months after placing a headlamp too far ahead at Leadville and not finishing. Way to beat myself up for failing, with failure by means of improper recovery. 2013's training involved mainly trying to heal and catchup to old speeds and strength, both which went down despite completing some interesting and gnarly trail long runs. I felt that as long as my week included 1-2 tempo runs of 10 miles or more, and long runs every other week of 25 miles or more, the fitness would stay within just completing Leadville range.
Merely weeks before mid-August the injury and groin problems began to ease up enough to where longer than 50 mile distances would be bearable and running gait would be normal. I finished Leadville, and actually witnessed the cut-off gun at the finish with a fellow Nj'an after he killed his 25 hour goal. I was exhausted, but relieved that I didn't waste another grand for a tshirt and poster but no buckle. A few days later, I sat at work and wasn't sure if I wanted to take some time off. I decided to very very slowly work up in mileage to top off in January, and try again. Therefore, 50k's would be perfect until then to develop the base and get faster. I'd add in tempo runs soon and the speedwork which is a quick fix for vastly improving race times.
One 50k in at Mountain Madness (need to do this one just to get my fix of seeing the usual gaggle of maniacs in action), I did ok, but best was seeing a few folks off long-standing injuries back at it. Still off the endorphins, later that night I was browsing the ultra calender and was surprised to find an ultra near the black forest/poconos, so I signed up for the Green Monster 50k in Wellsboro PA, a tiny town in north Central PA with a cool downtown area that pops out of the woods. I was the sole NJ entrant in the inaugural 50k (there'd been a 25k the year before). I like PA, I grew up there, but not here! I guess I assumed the entire Appalacian Mountain range stopped at the Delaware Water Gap, dropped to great plains flat, and rose up immediately upon entering North Carolina. This area, dubbed the Grand Canyon of PA, had some respectible Catskill-ish mountains at around the 2k altitude. The start photo where I am seen performing my unintentional Jackson tribute shows the terrain for the day:
Pumpkins mark the start. 7:30AM start. Trolley in background. Shimona. |
The start was moved due to the gov't shutdown, but they still managed to grant us a large hay field to park and sleep for the night, and the luxury of a 3-minute trolly ride to the start. As you can see in the picture above, during the short shorts shortoff (keeps me from shoplifting), a very brave guy was rocking the Tarahumara sandals for the whole technical 50k. kudos to that! it would be definitely worth developing the foot/ankle strength to do so comfortably. It was slightly chilly, and would remain so the entire time. Ideal running weather. I get inspired by wood and rocks, and add in the foliage and tiny rain droplets and a little caffeine, get out. It was an temperature where you sweat enough to know you are burning, but it evaporates right away. Yet not cold enough to get numb.
The group was 70 or less, and the front half spread out almost immediately down a flat carriage road leading into the woods at mile 0.75. I'd seen pretty gnarly race profiles for ultras, but 8000ft +/- for a 50k? I like pushing hard for distances less than 50 miles, usually keeping in my slightly below anerobic threshold for long periods, and my rule when feeling fit is I must run anything that doesn't make me slip underfoot due to steepness. This one would test that. I suspected I'd be hiking for a minute or two just to keep from going into V02 max zone (95% of max heart rate) on the first and last climbs shown below. A time for the race? I knew I wanted to push but would accept it as a training run if I blew up. So I gave myself 6-8 hours, beating 6 as the ultimate goal, but would focus on enjoying the awesome scenery as much as I could remember to do so.
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50k race profile. The second half was more forgiving with long downhills. |
One of the techinical sections. Pink tape was the 25k section. Blue after ~14 miles (Photo:Aaron Singer) |
The profile was all up and down until the 25k point, halfway, where you would head right back to the start for the 25k race or go into the unknown for the second half. There were speedy descents and long tough climbs and I'd try to not look at my watch to keep focused on the moment and feel the distance out as opposed to wondering how far until the next aid station. However I would do a modest amount of watch-glancing in the second half to make sure I had enough water. Right around 14 miles there was a descent referred to as Frankenstein. It was the steepest descent I had ever seen in the woods- similar to one of those gravel pit mounds. And the footing was terrible- pretty much small pieces of shale. Without the leaf-blown trail, I would have been on my hands and sliding down. I had been running with a talented younger runner who was gliding along effortlessly, but trying to not lose energy for the whole distance. I had my Virgil Crest shirt on, a race relatively close to this area of PA, so we had some conversations about that epic course. At one point I couldn't keep the sentences long enough to answer so I had to wait until we were hauling along the flat summit portion around the halfway point. Suddenly, the 85% downhill grade pops out and I lurch forward for the big fall of the day. This guy continues down at casual running gait, gaining a good 3 minutes on me in seconds.
The second half was more climbs, but there were long pleasant slight downhills along with some sinking mud (tiring at 23 miles) and basically running along high ridges with views of miles and miles of clear sky and crisp air. I ran everything- at this point passing some of the front crowd- and getting more and more excited for the final 2 big climbs and final long descent- a 2 mile pleasant descent among quiet sleepy-hollow type scenary. It all ended popping out of a small break in the woods onto a field, something you wouldn't even notice walking right by. 200 yards to go and 5:59:15 on the watch!! I must have yelled I GOT 30 SECONDS! to everyone sitting by the side cheering me on in the last straighaway (perfect ending) as we dropped into the same carriage road as the start for a bbq-style finish.
I was very happy with this race, and glad I dug deep to run the last two climbs *except 20 seconds of the final climb- goal for next year! And met up with familiar faces from before- exchanging viewpoints on the course and motivation for the final 6 miles.
One of a couple of mandatory foot cleansing stations. (Photo:Aaron Singer) |
Along the way, 2 granola bars, 3 more powergels, and water for 6 hours and 32 miles of running did the trick. This was a beautiful course; I become so myopic during races that I forget there’s a red and yellow magical forest before me. It’s weird that it takes effort to look up and actually soak it in. Forcing this, it was like riveting sheetmetal and appreciating the alignment of the rows' holes. Outdoor appreciation took focus. The hills were so blatant, often up and down 1000 feet with only a short crest, roller coaster style. I felt strong after taking my time building up in running mileage after a long foot injury, and ran every hill except the stupid hard parts. Everyone I met lived relatively closer than my 3.5 drive from Jersey, and made me feel welcome to the great north PA canyons.
If you like tough 50’s this one is a 9 out of 10 on the
tough scale- missing the 10 because I can imagine the heavy leaf-cover would have a mde it a lot more slippery. No complaints though. this allowed for some consistent straight-aways.
The before and after gatherings were low-key and had a bbq and key-chain medal.
I saw the Tarahumara sandals runner half-way and we exchanged
cheesy motivational one-liners which is all you need in the mentally straining
middle miles.
Finishing 22 seconds short of the 6 hour goal, I realized the course was more like 32 miles so I was very pleassed with the time. But the day was perfect otherwise so it definitely wasn't the highlight.
I'd recommend these trails for hiking running, I think biking is good to go at some parts. Especially if planning
the Eastern States 100 miler because it’s definitely close by to this, and perhaps
harder (well, for less than one third the distance).
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